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WWLP Mass Appeal

Menopause and Fitness - August 2024

Peri-menopause symptoms have made my workouts harder and less effective recently. My research included doctor appointments, a menopause seminar, blogs, and a really great book. Learn the five changes to make in your fitness routine during peri-menopause in my Mass Appeal segment.


Chair Yoga/Exercises - Dec. 2024

Check out this segment on chair stretches...which are helpful for people who have balance or mobility issues, but these are also great to add if you sit at a desk all day.

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Finding Joy in Fitness - Dec. 2022

Finding Joy in Fitness (what?! is that possible?) YES! Check out the tips from my segment on Mass Appeal!


Wrist Roundup - June 2023

While not a particularly exciting topic, it's an important one! Trust me when I say that you will feel incredibly different after completing these 4 stretches. And don't worry - you can build these into your routine when you have downtime.


Proper technique for foam rollers- Feb 2023

The first patent for a foam rolling device was in the early 1900s.

Foam rolling produces positive effects on flexibility when done before exercise and decreased soreness and fatigue when done following exercise.

Other benefits include increased circulation and joint mobility, improved performance and speeds up recovery.

The foot is the foundation/platform for everything above it. Foam rolling the foot will help the whole body move better.

People tend to roll on cylinders when you actually want to lie still and concentrate on your breathing.

Take away: You control the pressure.

Source: Human Kinetics

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What is your Fitness Age - March 2024

We workout every day with the hope that we are getting fitter or preventing the decline of fitness with age, but have you ever tested yourself to see how fit you really are?

Last week I appeared on Channel 22’s Mass Appeal to discuss the difference between chronological age vs. biological/physiological age. Click the link below to watch the segment and take the test for yourself!

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Fitness Trivia - Truth or Myth - Jan. 2024

Grab a pen and paper and test your fitness knowledge!

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Try kickboxing as a fun effective workout - December 2023

It’s always fun to be on Mass Appeal with Kayla and Patrick, but this segment was a total blast as is captured by my face when Kayla kicks Patrick for the first time!


Headache Relief - August 2023

It’s always fun to be on Mass Appeal with Kayla and Patrick, but this segment was a total blast as is captured by my face when Kayla kicks Patrick for the first time!

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Creating a fitness plan for 2024

What happens when you go to the grocery store without a list? You come out having spent too much money and you forget the items that you need for your upcoming meals, am I right? Similarly, if you are going to your workout without a plan, you will likely not be able to hit your fitness goals.

Check out this Mass Appeal segment as I discuss fitness-based ideas on how to start your new year with a solid plan to reach your wellness goals.

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Ways to add a fresh challenge to your workout - Jan. 2025

Making small adjustments to your exercise routine can either progress or regress an exercise. Modifications such as adding load, adjusting lever length, changing tempo or range of motion, or incorporating power can all increase the complexity and effectiveness of your workout.

Be sure to tune in to today’s Mass Appeal segment to learn more about how these changes can benefit your fitness routine!


Level up your workout with a Barre Class - Dec. 2023

Check out today’s barre segment on Mass Appeal!

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New Workout Gear - March 2023

What's new with workout gear! Check out today's segment on Mass Appeal!


SUP Yoga - June 2023

Check out the segment on SUP Yoga on Channel 22 Mass Appeal. BIG shout out to the co-hosts Kayla and Patrick for being willing to try anything!


Personal Trainer Secrets Exposed - May 2023


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Benefits of Yoga Inversions - April 2023

Check out Kayla, one of the Anchors on Mass Appeal, as she does her very first crow pose on live TV! Not only did she rock it, we can all agree that she is BRAVE!!


Fitness Terminology Defined - May 2024

Grab a pen and paper and test your fitness knowledge!

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Try kickboxing as a fun and effective workout - Dec. 2023

It’s always fun to be on Mass Appeal with Kayla and Patrick, but this segment was a total blast as is captured by my face when Kayla kicks Patrick for the first time!


Personal Trainer Secrets Exposed - May 2023

Wondering what your personal trainer may or may not be telling you? Learn what questions you should ask before you work with someone.

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